Monday, December 2, 2013

Well here we are and the months have gone by. Busy with work, doctors, chemo and bone enhancers and now we are in December. Thanking the Lord for every day that He has given us and that we are able to share with each other and our family and friends. Had tests back a ways and at that time they said that the cancer had shrunk a bit, for which we are truly thankful. Dr. Aboo said that late in the year we would do some more testing, but in the meantime we would just keep on with the same treatments as before. Having some pain in my back on the left side at the 8th rib it was suggested that maybe I should have radiation and try and see if that would get rid of the pain, This we did and it seemed to help for a little while but came back. Dr. Palma said that if it would not go away then we could try again and hopefully that would take care of it. Sure enough it was needed and this all took place in London. Dr. Palma realized that we lived close to Owen Sound so both times they did it all in one day which was a blessing to us. It seems to have taken most of that pain away.
Jane just gave me the laptop to finish the blog. Well, in the month of November Jane turned 60. So when Monic & Christine asked me if I felt we should do something special, I told them I was all in if we would make it a surprise event for her. I think it was in the beginning of October, so we had about 5 weeks to pull it off. Christine took care of getting the word out, as Monic lined up a place and a caterer. Response was fast and furious, even from as far away as Grand Rapids & The Netherlands.
It also worked out well that I could invite friends from around Dornoch & Owen Sound on the day of her birthday for an afternoon tea time. It all worked well and when we left for London last Friday to get together with our children for early Christmas gift giving ( or call it Sinterklaas) the next day, Jane had absolutely no idea what was about to happen the next day. It was a total surprise for her. What a blessing to see so many of you there.
A special thank you to Melissa Swinkels (and Tim) for the awesome cake and cupcakes and Heidi Heene for taking pictures. (Having pics taken with the grandchildren was a big part of our "scheme".)
Thank you Kevin & Christine, Justin & Monic, Marcel & Shelly and Benjamin & Kelly for making it happen. We are so blessed with  family and friends. Also thank you to all of you who hold us up in prayer. Without a doubt it is what sustains us day by day.
P.S. Will try to post some pictures later.           With love to all of you,  Jane & Marinus.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Note to all we love and care about

Hello everyone!

 Yes it has been awhile since our last blog but thought it was about time to give a little bit of an update as to how we are doing. Enjoyed the few weeks off from chemo and doctors appointments but have just had my second one since we came back from holidays. The doctor wanted to do an xray and a CT scan before I came to see him this past Tuesday so we could talk about the results. Well I had them done last week Thursday and by Saturday through this Tuesday when I came in the office I was having a bit of a rough time. The enemy was using the mind to have me go over and over that maybe the cancer was worse and therefore causing pain. Marinus said we were not having any of this and went into intercession as well as called our children and some prayer warriors to help me get through this period. Kevin cousin Lisa also send me a text that was very comforting to know that she being also a cancer warrior knew what I was going through. She told me too that God knows also our tomorrows so we can trust in Him. My nurse told me that we are not to forget that we are human and God understands our struggles. But like I said that does not always make it easier.Iit does and did help to know that people were praying as at times I could feel the peace of God. On Tuesday when we were at Dr. Aboo's I think I was being tried there too as our appointment was at 12:15 and by 2:30 we still had not seen him so I talked to the nurse pratitioner who then took us in the office and relayed the messages from the two tests down. The CT scan showed that the cancer had shrunk a bit and with this tears came running and that the xray on the ribs showed that the 8th rib on the left side had a lesion which was something we knew in the beginning. The doctor at the last visit had already said that if this was causing the pain we could probably have radiation done once or twice on that specific rib and it would take away the pain and we would not need so much medicaation.Sso with this confirmed we told them to go ahead and make an appointment to have this done. When these reports were read it seemed like a huge pressure was lifted off and Marinus said that we knew who was trying to rob from us. We immediately thanked the Lord for our news and spread it to our family and some prayer warriors and now to you all who have been there for us in prayer and support. We can not thank you all enough for what you have done and continue to do as honestly it does make a difference in ones life, so keep up God's kingdom work. Well with knowing this I have made it my task also to have a prayer list to pray for those who are also sick, lonely and for the spouses and support people for each one of them. In the meantime we are still praying for someone to come and buy the farm or the goats and equipment so that will take the pressure off especially Marinus, but the both of us so we can spend time with our family and friends making memories and doing kingdom work here in our home. Again thank you and sending you our love in Christ and till the next time.If you would like to talk to us you can always give us a call as we'd love to hear your voice and what you have been up too as well.

Jane and Marinus

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hello family and friends,


It was our goal to do a monthly update but it did not happen in June. We apologize.

Here we are already in the middle of July and in the middle of our stay at Slofstra’s cottage near Orillia Ontario. Since the last Blog Jane was able to go to Crown Point In. to  celebrate Kaimbria’s b’day, then back to Moline for Noah’s and his dad Kevin’s b’days and Noah Sall’s grade 8 graduation from Moline Christian. Myself I was able to drive down for the graduation ceremony and drove back up to the farm, next morning with Gideon (Noah’s brother). Knowing from past years, that finishing our entire first cut of dry hay by cottage time might be tough, we I started cutting early. With Gideon being able to use the ATV on the farm (wearing his helmet faithfully) it made things so much easier for both Levi Yoder and myself. Jane came back June 12 with Tehya (Kevin & Christine’s daughter, therefore Gideon’s 4 year old sister) accompanied by a lady from our church who needed a ride back  from Grand Rapids. It was really difficult to find 4-5 days of good dry weather in June so it was not till last week that we finished our entire first cut of dry hay. Thank you Lord.

It was chemo day on June 19 for Jane which was also the day Monic and Christine came up to clean up the office and storage room in the upstairs milk house, which had among farm stuff also still that which had come from Delaware Ontario basement.  

They did awesome and many thanks.

In the next while I will find out about some of the stuff I thought I still had. Ha Ha.

When the ladies left I also lost Gideon`s help. Sure he did not miss getting up at 4am.

A big thank you Gideon, from Opa & Oma.

On June 22 we remembered that it was 39 years ago that we started our married journey together. Wow ,where did those years go? We have oh so much to give thanks for.

Dr Aboo had decided that he wanted to skip at least one chemo treatment this summer so next treatment is not planned till early August.

Marcel and his girls (Shelly was working the weekend) came up, after picking up Monic and Christian in London on Friday June 28 so Mom could spend time with 5 of her 11 grand children and Monic and Marcel could “de-winterize” and clean the boats.

Glastron in running great, thanks to you two.

When July 6 came around we found our selves in the middle of baling hay.

That day alone I baled around 140 4x4 hard core round bales. But ran out of time for the rest. Then it was not till close to midnight that we got settled in at the cottage with brother in law Henry Swinkel’s help. His cottage is 4 docks down on the same island.

Last week we had Ada and Greg Haasnoot over for a couple of days. It is great to see Greg, who has been without sight from birth, drive the boat. He loves the feel of that powerful V8 responding to him putting the throttle down. Shh do not tell the OPP.

Last weekend Jane’s oldest brother Bert and his wife Debbie came up with his boat for the weekend to the Swinkel’s cottage. It was good to spend some time with them too.

The time at the cottage has been good. Most days Jane has been feeling quite good. Taking her medication and extra pain and / or nausea medication as needed.

With temperatures in the thirties Celsius and water temperature around 85 Fahrenheit you can find us often in the water.

Salls may be coming up today Wednesday, July 17 with Benj ,Kelly and Lucas expected early Friday morning, the Heenes will pick up the Doral and Friday and then head for Orillia and Marcel and his complete “crew” are expected Sunday.

I have been typing this off line and hope to post it next time we are in WiFi area.

Just remember, this guy is old school and does not know how to make his cell phone a WiFi hot spot. We know that when Justin gets here, he can do it.

The reason why these updates are so important to us is that we know many of you hold us up in your prayers and we can assure you that that makes a huge difference in our lives.

If it was not for our heavenly Father and the support of his people we honestly would not know how we could go forward with hope and courage. May He bless you abundantly for your love and support for us and our family.

 In His service   Marinus & Jane.

Hello family and friends,


It was our goal to do a monthly update but it did not happen in June. We apologize.

Here we are already in the middle of July and in the middle of our stay at Slofstra’s cottage near Orillia Ontario. Since the last Blog Jane was able to go to Crown Point In. to  celebrate Kaimbria’s b’day, then back to Moline for Noah’s and his dad Kevin’s b’days and Noah Sall’s grade 8 graduation from Moline Christian. Myself I was able to drive down for the graduation ceremony and drove back up to the farm, next morning with Gideon (Noah’s brother). Knowing from past years, that finishing our entire first cut of dry hay by cottage time might be tough, we I started cutting early. With Gideon being able to use the ATV on the farm (wearing his helmet faithfully) it made things so much easier for both Levi Yoder and myself. Jane came back June 12 with Tehya (Kevin & Christine’s daughter, therefore Gideon’s 4 year old sister) accompanied by a lady from our church who needed a ride back  from Grand Rapids. It was really difficult to find 4-5 days of good dry weather in June so it was not till last week that we finished our entire first cut of dry hay. Thank you Lord.

It was chemo day on June 19 for Jane which was also the day Monic and Christine came up to clean up the office and storage room in the upstairs milk house, which had among farm stuff also still that which had come from Delaware Ontario basement.  

They did awesome and many thanks.

In the next while I will find out about some of the stuff I thought I still had. Ha Ha.

When the ladies left I also lost Gideon`s help. Sure he did not miss getting up at 4am.

A big thank you Gideon, from Opa & Oma.

On June 22 we remembered that it was 39 years ago that we started our married journey together. Wow ,where did those years go? We have oh so much to give thanks for.

Dr Aboo had decided that he wanted to skip at least one chemo treatment this summer so next treatment is not planned till early August.

Marcel and his girls (Shelly was working the weekend) came up, after picking up Monic and Christian in London on Friday June 28 so Mom could spend time with 5 of her 11 grand children and Monic and Marcel could “de-winterize” and clean the boats.

Glastron in running great, thanks to you two.

When July 6 came around we found our selves in the middle of baling hay.

That day alone I baled around 140 4x4 hard core round bales. But ran out of time for the rest. Then it was not till close to midnight that we got settled in at the cottage with brother in law Henry Swinkel’s help. His cottage is 4 docks down on the same island.

Last week we had Ada and Greg Haasnoot over for a couple of days. It is great to see Greg, who has been without sight from birth, drive the boat. He loves the feel of that powerful V8 responding to him putting the throttle down. Shh do not tell the OPP.

Last weekend Jane’s oldest brother Bert and his wife Debbie came up with his boat for the weekend to the Swinkel’s cottage. It was good to spend some time with them too.

The time at the cottage has been good. Most days Jane has been feeling quite good. Taking her medication and extra pain and / or nausea medication as needed.

With temperatures in the thirties Celsius and water temperature around 85 Fahrenheit you can find us often in the water.

Salls may be coming up today Wednesday, July 17 with Benj ,Kelly and Lucas expected early Friday morning, the Heenes will pick up the Doral and Friday and then head for Orillia and Marcel and his complete “crew” are expected Sunday.

I have been typing this off line and hope to post it next time we are in WiFi area.

Just remember, this guy is old school and does not know how to make his cell phone a WiFi hot spot. We know that when Justin gets here, he can do it.

The reason why these updates are so important to us is that we know many of you hold us up in your prayers and we can assure you that that makes a huge difference in our lives.

If it was not for our heavenly Father and the support of his people we honestly would not know how we could go forward with hope and courage. May He bless you abundantly for your love and support for us and our family.

 In His service   Marinus & Jane.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Well it has been a month since our last update.
Shortly after we wrote last on this post, Jane and I left on May 1 for Moline Mi just in time for Tehya Sall's b'day party.
Slept at Benjamin and Kelly,s place.The next day left from there with Tehya in tow for a 2 hours drive to Crown Point In. to visit Marcel and Shelly and their family. First time Tehya had ever spend some time away from her Mom Christine. The following day May 3 was grandparents day at Crown Point Christian School where Annika, Brynne and Kambria are attending. The first time we had a chance to attend that yearly event. It was awesome. Such a great place for shaping young minds from a Christ centered perspective. That next day 'Saturday' we walked with them the Passion of the Christ in St John In. The Noordermeer's had been there before, but it was still very moving for all of us,to see the depiction of Christ's suffering for me, for us. Later that day we drove back to the Sall's with a happy Tehya. Next day we went with the Sall's to their church and after a lunch with them and Benj, Kelly and Lucas we headed for Canada.
After meeting Justin,Monic and Christian in London On. and dinner, we drove the last 2 hours of our 6 hours trip that day.
That is a long drive for Jane so the break in London helps her out. That week following Jane received Pamedranate (Bone Enhancer) and we had a nice surprise Friday afternoon, when Monic and Christian came up from London for a mothers day visit. Christian loves the farm. they headed back to London on Saturday after afternoon chores. That is when Jane and myself drove to Orillia and spent mother's day with Jane's sister Henrietta and husband Henry at their cottage on Horseshoe island. Weather and water were rough but it was good to spend some time with them. Got up "early" on Monday morning to drive directly to Owen Sound hospital for blood testing and Dr Aboo meeting. Since Jane was not feeling well it was decided to postpone chemo for a couple weeks so next chemo was may 28 till after we attended the wedding of Reuben Swinkels and Karissa Koning in Grand Rapids on May 25. That was an other opportunity for us to meet with most of our children and grand children. We consider ourselves most blessed and God is good all the time.
So maintenance chemo plus 2 days and Jane is feeling tired with some discomfort , which has been part of her experience for the 3-6 days following treatment. Thank you for standing with us and praying for complete healing for Jane. Your prayers are working as doctors gave Jane 7 months and we are at 15 months now. Praise the Lord!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April showers - tears, bring May flowers - hope

Hello everyone!
      It's been awhile since the last blog so here we are typing along and guess what? Was going along and it deleted so I had to start over again. Shoot!! Well on April 15th I had a bone scan which is where you are injected with a nuclear ingredient and this was at 9:15. then at 10:15 I had to come back to be scanned which took about 15 minutes to 1/2 hour to do. Did not receive the results at that time as they said it probably was to be in a couple of days. Since I had to come to the doctor on the following Monday they said it would be then and we were not worried as we knew we were in God's hand because of your prayers Thank you! Praise God too!!! Being in the US was good the only thing was the travel near the end was a bit uncomfortable. Marinus said if I felt up to it maybe we could go to Indiana to visit the Noordermeer's but he was the one who went and spent time there even helping Marcel with a service call. The school in Indiana also had an auction . Marinus said it was amazing as to the amount of people and money they raised. The drive back home on Sunday was also a bit uncomfortable with a few tears and pills in order for me to get back home. Was glad to be home and in my bed and wait to see what Monday would bring. Went to the doctor on Monday and he said that I had what they called white spots on the bones which were the same as before and he was not worried. Dr Aboo said he'd rather take the results from the xray and CT scan to get a better idea and if I was not having any more pain in my left leg then he was not worried and would not do them. My blood work was also good so he said we were ready to do the maintenance chemo on Tuesday. So on schedule. the chemo went well, only a day earlier then normal so that means there could be some side effects also a day earlier which there was. This meant nausea, but take the pills and we could handle that and pain in the shoulders and neck but here too take pills and I could manage even though it was a "pain" on Friday and Saturday. Decided to go to church this morning as I needed the strength and support from the family of God. So now am writing this blog and hopefully will be able to not delete it before it's done. Ha! Ha!
Jane and oh yeah Marinus too!!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Our Eleven Grandchildren on September 9, 2012.
Easter Sunday 2013. Blessed having all but our youngest grandson and his parents here.Benj is still waiting on the USA government to issue him the last required piece of documentation that will enable him to travel across the border legally.
Jane and I were able to travel states side on Friday March 22, Plan was to spend the weekend in Crown Point IN. But since there were a number of them sick there, we decided to stay in Michigan. So we spent 6 nights with both Kevin / Christine and Benj / Kelly. So we did get to see all of our clan in the last week. In the picture you can see back row l- r Brynne N ,Noah S,Gideon S,Tehya S,Christian H. Front row l-r Tristan S, Maren N, Annika N, Wyatt S holding Lucas N, Kambria N. If there was nothing else, these kids are more then enough reason for Jane and myself to keep on pressing in for successful treatment and healing for Jane. In case you are wondering about that bold head on the right, that is to show solidarity with Jane and others who lost their hair because of cancer treatments.

Good Friday and Easter day have been most meaning full to us both. Any questions about the meaning of our lives find their answers and peace in what Jesus did for us and all those who accept Him as Lord and Savior.
We hope you will continue to hold us up in prayer before the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is He who sustains us day by day. This Tuesday morning will be blood work and a visit with Dr Aboo, and if blood test okay then another maintenance chemo treatment on Wednesday. The Salls came up on Thursday night, Heenes came up on Friday and the Noordermeer's from Crown Point came up early early morning Saturday (2 am). We all went Saturday morning to Walters Falls for a Maple Syrup Fest Breakfast. (That was also the day this guy turned 65.)

As you can tell, there is a lot that takes our minds of off the health concerns for a time. We are thankful for that.
In the barn, the Amish couple, Levi and Ida Yoder, are so much help to us in keeping Jane out of the barn as much as possible.

Jane is dealing with pain on and off on a daily basis as well as anxiety and some nausea which require her to takes meds at different times throughout the day. We would covet your specific prayers for some of these issues.  Thank you all so much for your interest in our lives and our prayer is that He will bless you abundantly as He blesses us each and every day.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8 2013
Yesterday was a whole year since Jane had the biopsy operation in Owen Sound. A day that is certainly etched in our memory. Monic and Christine were both with me in the waiting area when Dr Nicola came out to see me just 45 minutes after the operation had started. Christine had just walked away for a minute. It was then that he shared with Monic and myself his opinion of what he had observed. I remember him asking if we had any questions. I certainly was not prepared for that news and there were no questions coming to mind at all. With in minutes Christine was back and Mo and I shared the news with her. And then we waited as Jane was still in the recovery area. It felt like I just got hit by a freight train. I remember trying to make some sense of it all and it was at that time while trying to process in my mind the information the surgant had shared with us these word "dropped" in my conciusness: For you, everything changed today, but for Me nothing has changed, for I do not change, I do not say now "well what am I going to do with Jane now". Wow we are not in this alone. What comfort to be reassured of the truth that God never leaves us or forsakes us. It was some time later that the three of us could go and see Jane. Christine wrote in the very first blog how we shared the news with her.
The blogs have been an attempt to keep so many of you in the info loop. And what a support you have shown us all along.
It continues to"blow us away". You have shown us your love for us in so many ways. You may have heard about paying it forward from shows like Oprah but that is not their idea. But it is a biblical principle for the words of Jesus are "Lay yourselves up treasures in heaven, where rust or moth cannot touch it". Well you may not realize it always but we are convinced that that is what your are all doing. You are paying it forward.
Since our last posting Jane has been dealing with pain and anxiety at times, mostly later in the day. it is not easy for her to find a  balance between rest and physical activity. The day after her last chemo, her sister Henrietta took Jane on a 5 day trip to Phoenix Ar to see thier parents ,who spend the month of february there as they have done the last few years.
Dr Aboo was okay with it and we had a plan in case something unexpected was to happen, She did well during the trip but on arrival back home a time of recovery was needed. Next tuesday Jane is to have her blood checked and then a meeting with Dr aboo with likely an other round of maintenance chemo the next day.
Blessing to you all and again thank you for all your prayers and support in so many ways.
Marinus & Jane

Monday, February 4, 2013

Almost 11 months and counting.

February is here and so is the winter weather here in midwestern ontario. Since the last update we have had record warm temperatures as well as losts of snow and cooooold. Just the last few days some 8"-10" was stacked on top of our snow base. Good thing we have some equipment around to help us with keeping the driveways and yard passible. Good thing they have block heaters for without them starting the diesel engines would be rough. Just have to plug them in a few hours ahead of time. We are blessed with a comfortable home and as long as we keep propane in the tank and firewood on hand we are doing okay.  
Enough of the chit chat and on with the update of Jane's health condition. On January 23 Jane had a CT scan taken after which we had to wait six days for our appointment with Dr Aboo or as it turned out with his stand in, since he himself had some time off. The six days waiting was especially hard on Jane but the report we received was encouraging. The bottom line of the assesment was that there was no evidence of any progression of the cancer in the various places. (Marcel who had driven up the night before received that news with us (thank you so much Shelly for making it possible for him to be with us for a few days). We are very thankful for this good report. Medical staff sees this as the best result possible and will continue thier present course of action which we support. However we continue to press in for a complete healing and are so thankful to all of you who are "standing" with us in this.
Jane has been feeling fair for most of the time since the maintenance chemo from last wednesday, even thou nausea and a side ache let thier presence be known on occasion.
With Ida due to deliver Levi and her's first child any day ,Jane has been working morning and evening milking the goats and help feeding the over 200 goat kids born in the last weeks. Your continued prayer for strenght for the both of us is so much appreciated.
You are such a blessing to us both and may God bless you all each and every day.  Marinus and Jane  

Sunday, January 13, 2013

     Well we are well into the new year 2013. Celebrated Christmas at home and with our church family. On Dec 26 we left the farm in the hands of Levi & Ida with Dan and Aaron as back up was needed. Met at Staybridge in London with some of our family and Jane's sisters family in preperation of her parents 60th wedding anniversary on Dec 28. Had a good time in London as well as at the anniversary open house where we met with several old friends and aquaintances. Celebrated the Bloemendal Christmas following the anniversary luncheon at the Mnt Brydges CRC. Was good to spend time with them all. That evening the Salls and us two with Kelly and Lucas headed for Michigan. Wouldn't you know it, the Salls got pulled over again at the border but now on the American side. We could not use the Nexus lane as Lucas does not have a Nexus pass but we beat the Salls who caught up with us in Imlay City. From there straight to Jenison Mi where Benj and Marcel and his family were awaiting us. Next morning it was making "oliebollen" and target shooting for the "big" boys with Marc his riffle and pistol. Remember we were in the US by then. Next days were highlighted with gathering at the Hyatt pool near M6  and the Noordermeer's and Sall's residences in Jenison and Moline. New years was rung in at Kevin & Christine's. By Friday January 4 it was time for us to head back to Canada but not before we visited the classes of Noah, Gideon & Tristan where we were humbled by the teacher's and students response with "this is the Oma we have been praying for.``Talk about being touched. The trip back went well as we met with Justin, Monic and Christian in London before heading north. Near Durham we were welcomed with a fairly recent deposit of new snow and the it was 4X4 on the laneway of Providence Farms. My turn now, Jane am taking over with writing the rest of the blog. Well this last week we had to go to Dr. Aboo on Tuesday but not before going to have blood drawn to see if all was well for a maintenance chemo to be done on Wednesday. Yeah all was well and doctor Aboo was pleased. Also I had not been sick or had had a cold after meeting so many people this holiday season because I did have an antibiotic prescription which the doctor sent when I called and told him how many people were sick. While we were there he told us that I would be having a CT scan at the beginning of February to see how everything was doing inside. This was then booked for the 23rd of January and we are praying that either there is no change or even better that there is a healing. Starting taking nausea pills Tuesday so I would be on top of it and it seems to be helping as only today at noon did I have a bit but otherwise am doing well. Oh I am a bit tired but I can handle that by just putting my feet up. yes I have to know when enough is enough and that is not always easy so I need reminders from Marinus or the kids or even the doctor or nurse. This coming week will be bone enhancer on Wednesday if the blood work comes out good and we are expecting it to because of the prayers of our warriors who have been so faithful. Again thank you for your prayers and we do know and feel the difference in our lives. Praise the Lord!!