Sunday, December 18, 2016

As you can see on the date, we are quickly approaching Christmas 2016.
We are blessed to having received already many Christmas card and New Years wishes.
If you are the sender of one of these our sincere thanks to you.
Writing cards is not something Jane has been up to for some time, so we like to use our blog spot to extend our best wishes for you and yours for the holiday season.
On December 7 we again had a consultation with the oncologists in London at which time they shared with us the results of the last CT scan. Although there is some concern about changes the scan  showed and not being quite sure as to the character of the spots showing up on this last scan, another scan is planned for around February 1 next year to see if any more changes have occurred at that time.
We were encouraged to not dwell on this latest report which has proved not to be that difficult so far as right after the London clinic visit we drove to the US for family visits.
Blessed with the family Christmas celebration in Crown Point Indiana at Marcel and Shelly's place.
So good to be with all of us there in one place.  Thank you Lord.
Came home last Wednesday in some pretty inclement weather but made it home safe.
Found everything well taken care of in our absence. Thanks to  Dan Stutzman.
Looking forward to the church Christmas services, starting tonight with a candlelight service.
Certainly looking forward to those times with our church family.
Also enjoying time spent with Henry and Henrietta Swinkels who are living in the farm house apartment till next spring at which time they hope to migrate back to their cottage on Lake Couchiching.
There still is livestock in the barns, mainly calves and some cows who require regular daily attention.
A routine which gives me a good rhythm in my live. As well as the time I spend working in the shop.
I have been clearing snow ever since we came home with several inches of fresh snow each day.
Very safe to say that we should have a white Christmas here, pretty well a must around here for without it it does not feel like Christmas.
In closing we pray for all of you to experience the real reason for the season for if Jesus had not come most of us would only have one day off, New Years day.  Lol.
Greetings Marinus and Jane.
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