Monday, July 4, 2016

July 2016 Update

Well again it has been awhile since our last updated.
At the time of our last update, winter was still hanging on and spring a ways away.
Now that we are in July we wonder what ever happened to spring. That trancition often is a mere days here in this part of Ontario rather then weeks or months.
The Affatanib chemo program still appears to be stopping any progression of the cancer in Jane's body and it was decided in April that her appointments in London are now 8 weeks instead of 4.
before the June appointment another CT scan was ordered and its findings were reviewed at the June appointment and showed no change. CT scans will now be scheduled about twice per year. A bone scan is planned before the August appointment since she has not had one for a couple of years.
These scan results will be used as benchmark for tests an or evaluations.
All this is encouraging for Jane, myself and the family. We are most thankful to God who in His grace is giving us many many more days then we thought we would have in March 2012.
Sure a lot has changed for us, but we are both okay with that. Truly for us each day is a gift.
Our last meeting in London was on June 22 the day of our anniversary. Right after that I drove Jane to Port Huron Michigan where we met up with Benjamin, Lucas and Evan who took Jane with them to stay till the baby would come ( a surprise for Kelly). The baby was due July 4 but as some of you may know already he (Brock Kelly Noordermeer) was going to wait till then and decided to "face" the world at 8.45 pm after 2 hours of labor. After baling all the hay I had down that day I left the farm and when I got to the border I found out that Kelly was just admitted to St Mary's hospital in Grand Rapids. By the time I got there Brock was already born.
What a blessing especially for Jane to be there for the delivery. Grandchild number 14 no less.
All of the family is doing well as far as we know and met up with them all at different times.
That number is down to a crawl now and may well be losing its momentum all together. Lol.
Jane and I are now back home again and picking up where we left off. There is a bit of 1st cut hay left to be cut yet but may wait out this week as the forecast is a little ifee.
Looking forward meeting up with some family and friends who are coming over from the Netherlands soon and the 50th anniversary of brother Henk and his wife Irene. Where does the time go.
Thank you to all of you for your interest in our lives and the many prayers you offer on our behalf.
We know that a number of you are travelling a very similar journey and our prayers are with you also.
Jane and I may still get to spend a week at a cottage near Orillia in early August and hope to write about that in the next blog. We wish you all God's speed.  Marinus & Jane.