Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Well it that time again to get caught up in letting our prayer warriors know what has been happening in my/our lives. Had a maintenance chemo done last week Tuesday and the first couple of day it went well, until Sunday and yesterday when I was getting nauseated so back to take the pills for that. The nurse who comes Friday says not to worry but just take the pills as these are not addictive. I guess I have been a bit worried because when I was on some other meds I know it just put me down and out and I could not function properly. But with taking these it doesn't seem to be doing that so I am taking them. Today I have to go for blood work and a vitamin B12 shot and we'll see if I am still doing as well with the counts. After my next maintenance chemo the doctor says he wants to do another CAT scan to see if it's doing what it is suppose to. So our prayer is that it is as we believe that the prayers of all of you are being answered. If I am doing well at the end of the week we hope to go to the states to celebrated our daughter in law, Shelly's birthday and have a short visit with the other kids and grandkids. Will let you know how it went and I believe it will be good. Thanks again for your concerns and keep on praying as prayer works. God is good!! Our love and blessings go out to you all.