Sunday, September 28, 2014

Here we are with summer behind us and the fall season almost up on us. Our weeks continue to be marked by blood tests and oncologist appointments every 3rd week with blood tests and pemedrinate thrown in every 4th week. Dr Aboo is still pleased with Jane's current condition and suggested that a cake would be appropriate when she will be at treatment #50 (she is at treatment 35 next week).
We are both thankful for the summer we had which was marked by the challenge of harvesting hay (it has been a good summer for gardeners in our area) ,weeks at the cottage, visits in moline, Lon ydon,Crown Point and Jenison. Went with Marcel to the bi-annual IMTS machine tool show in Chicago. Yes the machinist is still in there. We blessed to be part of our children and grand children's lives watching them as they raise there children to serve Him.
Noah last year and Gideon this years have publicly confirmed to want to live their lives for Jesus. PTL
Last weekend we started on installing a lift in our house in Dornoch. A shaft had been part of the original house design. An acquaintance from our brother in law Henry Swinkels, had taken this unit out of a home near Niagara. So last week Friday Henry and I started to try piecing the parts together, since others had taken it apart and the info was limited. So Dan one of the Ahmish men came to bust out the cement (part of the foundation of the lower fire place). A big job even with the jack hammer. The Saturday was marked by installing the tracks, hydraulics and the core components of the electrics with the help of an expert and his daughter. Henrietta and Judy did a looooot of dusting from Dan and the concrete saw he used the day before. In the next 2 weeks I have to shorten the lift box floor and install upper track stops and install exit doors at both levels.
As I am writing this we are sitting on the deck at the Swinkels cottage on Horseshoe Island near Orillia spending a few days with them and Jane's brother Bert and his wife Deb.
Life is still good and are thankful for every day we receive out of His hand.
Love you all and thank you so much for your interest and concern for what goes on in our lives.
Thank you soooo much for your prayers too, we know that they effect our lives in a positive way.