Sunday, December 23, 2012

Well it is sunday december 23 '12 and were blessed this morning to join our church family in worship of our God and Father. The message was about how Boaz redeemed Niomi and Ruth and how God has redeemed those whose accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.  After receiving maintenance chemo treatment last wednesday Dec 19 Jane has been taken in addition to her meds some of the pain meds she received earlier. All this with Dr Aboo's approval. At our meeting with him last tuesday we discussed the ER visit on dec 14 in Owen Sound. He concurred with the ER physician that her discomfort was from cancer affected ribs and not fluid build up. That did lower Jane's anxiety level a great deal as she was worried that more fluid might upset the planned trip to attend her Mom & Dad's 60th wedding anniversary and the visit with our family in Michigan. Jane has been asked to do children's message on Christmas day. Needless to say she is looking forward to that.  Well this is the latest from us and hope that you all experience Jesus as the reason for the season. Blessings from Marinus & Jane.

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3, 2012
 Well here we are with the month of November behind us. Certainly Jane's birthday was the highlight as she turned 59 on the 26th. Christine and Marcel with their families were able to drive up as they had there US thanksgiving on the thursday. What a blessing to have them here. Christian Heene had a play on the saterday afternoon. And Benj has an interview in Detroit on dec 10 at which time he hopes to get the last of his papers so he can leave the US and return. They now live in Jenison Mi. about 20 km from the Sall's. We are planning to either meet with them in London (if he receives the documents right there) or we plan to drive on to Detroit and spend a day or so with them.
On tuesday nov27 Jane had her bloodwork done and we met with Dr Aboo who is pleased with her current condition.
So the next day it was maintenance chemo again. That procedure takes less then 1 hour. She continued to feel good till saterday after which she has been bothered by some nausea at different times during the day. Once she falls asleep at night she is okay till early morning. Praying that she will be thru that soon. Tomorrow at noon she will get her pamedranate at noon that will be administered thru her bardport and she can carry the pressurized container with her.
A homecare nurse will then come a few hours later to disconnect it.
It has been a welcome change for us not to have to go in weekly for blood work.
We continue to receive each day as a special gift from Him who loves us and we know ourselves to be up held in prayer by so many of you. May He bless you with His favor.  Marinus and Jane.
P.s. Will try to update at the beginning of each month. D.V.