Thursday, November 13, 2014

A new course of action.

Here we are almost halve way in November with the possibility of snow in the forecast.
Last week our oncologist Dr Aboo shared with us the results of the latest CT scan and there is what the radiologist called an Interval Progression and concern that the Alimta is becoming less effective. Aboo shared that he had expected to be at this juncture way back in late 2012 and therefore this did not come as a surprise to him.
His recommendation is to go with a treatment called Erlotinib or Tarceva.
 It is a targeting drug and comes in pill form and is taken daily.
He also shared that he would support us in getting a second opinion and that brought us to London yesterday where we met with among others Dr Vincent, who shared that if Jane met all the critartia she could be enrolled in an approved clinical study treatment offered by the drug manufacturer for Afatinib which is a "turbo" version of Erlotinib thru the London Cancer Clinic.
This will run in 28 day cycles and for the duration of 12 months and can be extended after that without the burden of providing the information the study requires us to collect.
Jane with my and Monic's (she was with us at the meeting) support decided to seek enrolment.
There does not seem to be a great change in how Jane has been feeling overall for the last while.
It seemed to all of us as prudent to make the change at this time.
Dr Vincent said up front that he cannot heal Jane from this, but thru eye contact between the three of us we regonized we know the One who can.
So we accept the available medical treatment but continue to pray for God's intervention and are so appreciative of all of you who are standing with us in this.
We often reflect on Jane's 60th birthday last year and our 40th wedding anniversary last June which are both unforgettable for us. Thank you again for all of you who celebrated these events with us.
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!
We continue to look for the good things and blessings in every day.
If we do not get to update this blog before the Christmas season we wish you all a very blessed holiday time. Let us all remember that ==JESUS is the reason for the season==.
Marinus and Jane