Sunday, December 23, 2012

Well it is sunday december 23 '12 and were blessed this morning to join our church family in worship of our God and Father. The message was about how Boaz redeemed Niomi and Ruth and how God has redeemed those whose accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.  After receiving maintenance chemo treatment last wednesday Dec 19 Jane has been taken in addition to her meds some of the pain meds she received earlier. All this with Dr Aboo's approval. At our meeting with him last tuesday we discussed the ER visit on dec 14 in Owen Sound. He concurred with the ER physician that her discomfort was from cancer affected ribs and not fluid build up. That did lower Jane's anxiety level a great deal as she was worried that more fluid might upset the planned trip to attend her Mom & Dad's 60th wedding anniversary and the visit with our family in Michigan. Jane has been asked to do children's message on Christmas day. Needless to say she is looking forward to that.  Well this is the latest from us and hope that you all experience Jesus as the reason for the season. Blessings from Marinus & Jane.

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3, 2012
 Well here we are with the month of November behind us. Certainly Jane's birthday was the highlight as she turned 59 on the 26th. Christine and Marcel with their families were able to drive up as they had there US thanksgiving on the thursday. What a blessing to have them here. Christian Heene had a play on the saterday afternoon. And Benj has an interview in Detroit on dec 10 at which time he hopes to get the last of his papers so he can leave the US and return. They now live in Jenison Mi. about 20 km from the Sall's. We are planning to either meet with them in London (if he receives the documents right there) or we plan to drive on to Detroit and spend a day or so with them.
On tuesday nov27 Jane had her bloodwork done and we met with Dr Aboo who is pleased with her current condition.
So the next day it was maintenance chemo again. That procedure takes less then 1 hour. She continued to feel good till saterday after which she has been bothered by some nausea at different times during the day. Once she falls asleep at night she is okay till early morning. Praying that she will be thru that soon. Tomorrow at noon she will get her pamedranate at noon that will be administered thru her bardport and she can carry the pressurized container with her.
A homecare nurse will then come a few hours later to disconnect it.
It has been a welcome change for us not to have to go in weekly for blood work.
We continue to receive each day as a special gift from Him who loves us and we know ourselves to be up held in prayer by so many of you. May He bless you with His favor.  Marinus and Jane.
P.s. Will try to update at the beginning of each month. D.V.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Well hello everyone! You probably are wondering what, if anything is happening here. Since the last chemo we have been doing well and had to go for a CTscan this past Friday to see how things were on the inside. Yesterday I had blood work done and the went to see Dr. Aboo for the results of the scan. He walks in and the first thing he says is that nothing has changed from the last scan and it looks good. While he checks my breathing and glands he comments to me twice that it must be the prayers and I agreed with him and he just laughs and I said yes it is the prayers. So to all you prayer warriors all we can say is thank you, thank you and keep it up because our God has been answering them and we are so encouraged to keep on fighting. Dr. Aboo said that I am to keep on this maintenance chemo as it is working and in between each one I was having blood work every week which he now says I do not have to have. This means less travelling and he was happy with my blood, so that is also a good thing. The next scan he says will be in 3 months and we are expecting good results if not a  total healing by then.Today at 11:00 am I am in Owen sound for my next maintenance chemo and pray that I will not be nauseated by the weekend so I will take some pills to keep it at bay but again I know that if you are praying it will make a difference. We are looking into being able to know who reads this blog as then we would know who may not have access to this blogspot. So we could try contacting them in other ways. We are deeply indebted to all of you and like to see as many friends and family included in our communications. if you have any suggestions let us know.  We pray God's blessings for all of you,   Jane & Marinus.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Well it that time again to get caught up in letting our prayer warriors know what has been happening in my/our lives. Had a maintenance chemo done last week Tuesday and the first couple of day it went well, until Sunday and yesterday when I was getting nauseated so back to take the pills for that. The nurse who comes Friday says not to worry but just take the pills as these are not addictive. I guess I have been a bit worried because when I was on some other meds I know it just put me down and out and I could not function properly. But with taking these it doesn't seem to be doing that so I am taking them. Today I have to go for blood work and a vitamin B12 shot and we'll see if I am still doing as well with the counts. After my next maintenance chemo the doctor says he wants to do another CAT scan to see if it's doing what it is suppose to. So our prayer is that it is as we believe that the prayers of all of you are being answered. If I am doing well at the end of the week we hope to go to the states to celebrated our daughter in law, Shelly's birthday and have a short visit with the other kids and grandkids. Will let you know how it went and I believe it will be good. Thanks again for your concerns and keep on praying as prayer works. God is good!! Our love and blessings go out to you all.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Well as you can see it has been a while since we posted an update.
It again was a bit rough going at about 3 days after the maintenance chemo.
Like the last time it lasted a little over 2 days, after that the naussea
settled down and Jane has been doing quite well the last 10 days.
Last week Wednesday she had the bone enhencer started in Owen Sound
hospital and then took it home with her, to have it disconnected at home
by the home care nurse. Just yesterday she went to have her blood tested
and we did not get a call so it must have tested good. It is exciting to see
her hair coming back. It is about 3/4" long. The last 3 Tuesday nights we
have even joined the prayer meeting at the church. What a blessing to be
with those folks again.
Things are going with the farm. We still have round bales of good second
cut to pick up and store in the barns. With the 3 belgian horses and 3 of the
 light horses also sold (both to Amish), we hope that we are going
to be okay for hay this winter.
There are several pens of does bred or being bred, so 4-5 months from now
will be busy.
 Still looking for more help on the farm but trust that it will come in due time.
God is good, all the time. We are still blessed and highly favored.
Thanks again for all your prayers and concern for us.  Marinus & Jane.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hello everyone! It's been awhile for an update but the excuse is that I have been away 11 days to Benjamin and Kelly and baby Lucas in Michigan. This was a great time as I was able to spoil Lucas and I was feeling awesome with no ill effects. On the weekend the whole family, all 21 of us were there as well as we were able to witness the baptism of Lucas. So the kids lined up various activities from golf, to swimming, to eating at McDonalds on Saturday for the grandkids as well as the "big" kids and also taking pictures of the family by a professional. These photos we hope to see in a couple of weeks. Last March I would not have thought that this would have been possible but because of your prayers and God's goodness it all came to be. Well I am back in Dornoch as I had a doctors appointment and blood work on Tuesday which went really well and allowed me to have my second maintenance chemo yesterday. The chemo took only an hour and today I still feel good so I am hoping this will continue as the last time I felt nauseated 3 days after. My doctor said he was going to do another CT scan after the 4th maintenance chemo to see how this is going. He said we will continue in this format as long it is doing what it is suppose to and why change things if they are working. Again thanks for all your prayers and we would appreciate your continued support in this area as we know it gives us strength to keep fighting. We enjoy every day we get and every blessing we receive. Our prayer continues to be for healing and that I will not feel nauseated from this treatment. God bless all of you and your families.
Jane and Marinus

Monday, August 13, 2012

Today as I had said in the last blog we went to do blood work and see oncologist and hear what he had to say about last week's CT scan and the maintenance chemo. Well things are not so bad as God has been answering prayers of so many of you and that is that the cancer is not growing, which we think by their response was a surprise, so praise the Lord. I told both doctor and assistant that we still believe in healing to which they had no answer but just carried on with the conversation saying that tomorrow I would be having a maintenance chemo, lasting only 1 hour long instead of 3 plus hours for the regular treatments. They also stated that I will be having these every three weeks and will do another CT scan in 9 months. Right now I feel really great and have not been on any pain meds for weeks with which Dr. Huff the pain mangement doctor who we also saw today was extremely pleased. Her response was that she hopes not to see us for a long time if not ever again and laughed. She is a Christian and we talked to her also about the healing to which she said keep the meds and that does not mean I do not have faith in this healing but you may or may not have some pain sometime and can use them then. With  all this information we left feeling God's continued love and care and could not wait to tell our children and all of you. Well now all of you know the latest and we want to thank you for all of your encouragement and support and hope you will keep us in your prayers because God is not done yet.
Prayer Requests: No return of fluid
                            No side effects of treatment
                            CT scan will show no signs of cancer

                                                                     God's masterpiece one evening
                                                                        thought I would share it

Our love and blessings: Jane and Marinus

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hello everyone! Going to doctor tomorrow for blood work and results of the CT scan and see what Tuesday's maintenance chemo will be. So we are praying for good results and appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Will update the blog after the visit and keep you posted.
                                                                        10 of the 11 grandchildren
                                                                               God's blessings!!
Thanks again!
Jane and Marinus

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Well back home from our holidays and all the blessings of being with most of the family. I guess this means up early again and back to work for some of us and I know you can guess that it is not me although I wish. Looking at the calendar and trying to get the mind wrapped around the different appointments again. Well one of them is this Wednesday where I will have a whole CT scan and we are praying for good results. I have been feeling really good after a week ago Thursday when you have read I was at the hospital so I know that prayers are working. Thank you to all of you as I know God is using you in my and our family's lives. Our prayer for all of you is that your faith may be strengthen and that you may know that you are being also used in His Kingdom work here on earth. On the 14th I will be having a maintenance chemo treatment which is also via my port. Since I had no major side effects from the regular one I am hoping and praying that the same will be for this. So this can also be added to your prayers and we will wait on the Lord. We are both thanking and praising the Lord for every day and every blessing we are receiving from His hands. Blessings to all of you!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Well as you can tell by the date we are in August and still at the cottage. And it is our second oldest grand child Gideon's birthday. Just this morning as we were all heading for Orillia for some errands when unbeknown to Jane and me we were greeted at Orillia dock by Marcel and the girls from Crown Point. What a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!! Allthough Shelly could not come as she had some work commitments. We miss you shelly. Our time at the cottage has been good with the first week by our selves. Jane had a scare that thursday as she was bothered by a pain in her side during the night. That morning we left for the hospital where they did some test, like x-ray c/t scan and the like and rolled out any lung sack fluid and embolism.  Back for light supper in Orillia with Jane's sister and husband at studebaker. With jane feeling much better with the occasional use of a puffer she became also much more relaxed. The next day the Sall's and Heene's came. the last brought the Doral boat from the farm. We ar truly enjoying having all of them with us for this time and are thankful to our heavenly Father for all these good gifts. God is good all the time.  Marinus + Jane

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Well here we are last scheduled chemo + 4 and Jane is doing well. As she continues to reduce her dependence on medication the only side effect she experiences is the occasional bout with nausea around breakfast time.
During one visit Dr Aboo he told her "Go talk to your goats". So the last couple of days she has been feeding the new born kids in the afternoon wearing a surgical mask. It is important that she keeps on listening to her body and not over do any of her physical activities. She certainly is one amazing woman and her spirit is very positive especially now that she is slowly walking out of the drug induced"fog" in her mind. She is again engaged in most of what is going on around her for which we are most grateful. It being saterday night we are not sure yet if we will go to church tomorrow but we will see in the morning as to how we both feel. For Jane has to be mindful of her increased vulnerability to picking up a cold or flue the first ten days after chemo. All things considered we know ourselves to be most blessed by our heavenly Father and are deeply indebted to so many who prayed for Jane and continue to do so as well as our church family who are there for us with food and any support we might need.   Thank you  Thank you all so much.   Marinus and Jane. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hospital trip for Tuesday July 3rd

Hello everyone! Off to the hospital today for blood work to see if it is high enough to have chemo. Hurrah! Yes, a very exciting one with a long wait, which is fairly normal when dealing with hospital schedules and doctors. First off had blood work done and asked what time for Dr. Newton to remove the tube. well as usual no one knows even though it was scheduled last week Wednesday with Dr. Aboo. The people at oncology said they would talk to him and see what time he had available which he said in half an hour of course his time. An hour and a half later the oncology asked me to come in and start chemo as they figured I could take my pole with meds to the room where he would be available. No sooner were we hooked up and there he stood. I guess we should have done this sooner. He removed the tube with some pain as it was stuck a bit inside and I did make some painful noise.Some fluid came out but he said it was from the tube and a bit in the canal and not to worry as the xray showed no fluid just a pocket of air and he was very pleased. Asked how long before I could swim or go in hot tub and he said 3 to 4 days it should be closed. Back to oncology where we continued with chemo which was done around 3pm and the nurse said she could also hook up my pamidrenate (bone enhancer). This saves another trip to the hospital tomorrow and the nurse comes to the house to disconnect it. Home just after 4 and the nurse called already that she would come probably at 6 pm. So today was a full day but very thankful to the Lord for all the people that He has helping us. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Pray for complete healing and we promise to give Him all the glory.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

chemo postponed

Chemo will not be tomorrow but next week Tuesday because of low blood count. Christine says it is time for me to try and do the blog so I am trying. Dr. Aboo says they will see if the drainage tube can come out as well since no draining since June 11 so they took an xray today to check out lung. If I have chemo next week and the baby comes they will give me an antibiotic so as to keep me from any infections. When my maintain is due they will start it by giving it through intervenise first as it is how the government wants us to start instead of pill form. Also we will have CT scans of lungs, abdomen and pelvis, hoping for good results due to all the prayers from all the prayer warriors. Thanks again to everyone out there, our love to you. God is good in hearing you as I have been feeling great am also being weaned off the pain meds from the hip in the next three weeks. Dr Huff said that if at anytime I would have pain I could start them again and not panic as it will not hurt but am counting on good results as well. So here we are sending you the latest from today's report.


Summer 2011

Welcome to our new blog!  We hope to keep you updated on our lives, praises, concerns and prayer requests right here.  Thanks to all our friends and family who already have been lifting us up in your prayers!