Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hospital trip for Tuesday July 3rd

Hello everyone! Off to the hospital today for blood work to see if it is high enough to have chemo. Hurrah! Yes, a very exciting one with a long wait, which is fairly normal when dealing with hospital schedules and doctors. First off had blood work done and asked what time for Dr. Newton to remove the tube. well as usual no one knows even though it was scheduled last week Wednesday with Dr. Aboo. The people at oncology said they would talk to him and see what time he had available which he said in half an hour of course his time. An hour and a half later the oncology asked me to come in and start chemo as they figured I could take my pole with meds to the room where he would be available. No sooner were we hooked up and there he stood. I guess we should have done this sooner. He removed the tube with some pain as it was stuck a bit inside and I did make some painful noise.Some fluid came out but he said it was from the tube and a bit in the canal and not to worry as the xray showed no fluid just a pocket of air and he was very pleased. Asked how long before I could swim or go in hot tub and he said 3 to 4 days it should be closed. Back to oncology where we continued with chemo which was done around 3pm and the nurse said she could also hook up my pamidrenate (bone enhancer). This saves another trip to the hospital tomorrow and the nurse comes to the house to disconnect it. Home just after 4 and the nurse called already that she would come probably at 6 pm. So today was a full day but very thankful to the Lord for all the people that He has helping us. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Pray for complete healing and we promise to give Him all the glory.

1 comment:

  1. So happy things were all done in one day!! That's awesome!! Love you Mom and Dad!
