Monday, June 23, 2014

40th anniversary

June 23 '14       40 Years plus one day.   Yes yesterday was our 40th wedding anniversary which we celebrated the day before. Chemo had been postponed for a week for that reason. Started planning around a month ago with a list of what we would need and invitations were printed and sent out.
From our perspective the day was great. The Sall's and the Heene's came the night before. Don't know how he did it, but Justin got 18 holes in before 10 am. Monic and  Christine with help of their spouses Justin and Kevin did a ton of work. Getting food prepared and things set up outside.
Jane's sister Henrietta came up early and help out where she could. The weather was outstanding ,
sun and a light breeze. Kelly came up with Lucas, her mom and her grandma.
Benjamin is still dealing with US immigration and cannot cross the border like the rest of us do.
(Your prayers for that situation are much appreciated). Marcel and Shelly both had operations recently and were unable to come. So we missed their girls too.
Think all in all we were with close to 100 in attendance. Quite a few watched the World Cup  games of that day in the great room. There were lots of cold ones on hand to complement the snacks and later the burgers and sausages.
Jane and I had such a good time, seeing family and so many good friends from both Mnt Brydges and Owen Sound. You bring true joy in our lives.
We know ourselves so blessed with having all of you as part of our lives both near and far.
Around Jane's last chemo date she got a light skin reaction on her face. We suspect that it is from the pre and post chemo meds, as she just got it again tonight. She says it does not  bother her only that it feels a little warm. Ada Haasnoot went with Jane today for her blood work,  pamidranant and Dr interview. Dr was pleased with results of the CT scan taken 2 weeks ago. So chemo tomorrow. That will probably mean that next  saterday/Sunday could be more uncomfortable for her.
That has been the pattern so far. Starting next week Saturday we hope to go to Solfstra's cottage for a couple of weeks but that could be interrupted as Kelly is expecting for mid July. That will be our 12th grandchild. Wow, that too blows Jane and me away. Praying that all goes well with Kelly and the baby. Lord willing next blog more.
Wishing you a great summer. Be safe, live wisely and remember , forget about changing yesterday (you can't), tomorrow is no certainty for anyone.   so that leaves us with to day,                                      
               LIVE IT TO THE FULL!       Marinus & Jane .

P.s .   live each day as if it is your last, someday you will be right.  (Quote from Steve Jobs)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer here soon.

Do not know how it is for all you folks, but it seems the older we get, the faster time goes.
Our time since the March blog has been marked by the regular 3 week appointments with the oncologist, followed by chemo the next day. Around 4-5 days after the treatment Jane has been feeling lousy for at least a couple of days. Those days  for Jane usually come with more pain and discomfort. When you ask how she is doing her answer is "I'll be okay". On March 30 I (Marinus) turned 66. That number seems to also increase at an ever faster pace. But who is counting right? At the end of April the last of the doelings were picked up, which completed the sale deal and left us with just some breeding bucks, 2 breeding bulls, cows, veal, calves and 3 light horses. At the beginning of May we were able to make the round to see all our children and grand children, who are all experiencing good health for the most part and all are busy with family, church, work and play.
At that time we celebrated 2 belated birthdays and one on the day, plus Gideon (Kevin & Christine's second son) did profession of his faith in Jesus. All highlights we were blessed to be part of.
May brought us in Grey county a nice mix of sun and rain with temperatures finally reaching seasonal levels. All our land is now in hay and it is growing well. Some in our area are already cutting for silage. Yesterday we were able to again travel states side, as there are, between the Sall and Marcel Noordermeer families, 3 birthdays in 3 days. Kelly (Benjamin) is entering the last 6 -7 weeks of her pregnancy and doctor said this morning that all appears well. PTL.
Marcel had an operation on his shoulder  yesterday and is recovering and looking at 6 weeks with an immobilized shoulder. Hoping to see the crew there tomorrow.
This last weekend was also marked by the passing of Kevin's cousin Lisa (from Hamilton Michigan) Struggled with cancer for almost 8 years. It has fallen on her husband Rob, to raise their 3 young daughters alone. .This hit Jane hard as Lisa had been an encouragement for her and we had met her as recent as last Christmas at a family dinner from the Sall's.
We are thankful for each and every day. All your continued interest in what is happening in our lives is most encouraging. The support of our church family in Owen Sound is amazing.
We continue to press in for a complete healing for Jane, but above all that Jesus may be honoured in and thru our lives.