Thursday, May 30, 2013

Well it has been a month since our last update.
Shortly after we wrote last on this post, Jane and I left on May 1 for Moline Mi just in time for Tehya Sall's b'day party.
Slept at Benjamin and Kelly,s place.The next day left from there with Tehya in tow for a 2 hours drive to Crown Point In. to visit Marcel and Shelly and their family. First time Tehya had ever spend some time away from her Mom Christine. The following day May 3 was grandparents day at Crown Point Christian School where Annika, Brynne and Kambria are attending. The first time we had a chance to attend that yearly event. It was awesome. Such a great place for shaping young minds from a Christ centered perspective. That next day 'Saturday' we walked with them the Passion of the Christ in St John In. The Noordermeer's had been there before, but it was still very moving for all of us,to see the depiction of Christ's suffering for me, for us. Later that day we drove back to the Sall's with a happy Tehya. Next day we went with the Sall's to their church and after a lunch with them and Benj, Kelly and Lucas we headed for Canada.
After meeting Justin,Monic and Christian in London On. and dinner, we drove the last 2 hours of our 6 hours trip that day.
That is a long drive for Jane so the break in London helps her out. That week following Jane received Pamedranate (Bone Enhancer) and we had a nice surprise Friday afternoon, when Monic and Christian came up from London for a mothers day visit. Christian loves the farm. they headed back to London on Saturday after afternoon chores. That is when Jane and myself drove to Orillia and spent mother's day with Jane's sister Henrietta and husband Henry at their cottage on Horseshoe island. Weather and water were rough but it was good to spend some time with them. Got up "early" on Monday morning to drive directly to Owen Sound hospital for blood testing and Dr Aboo meeting. Since Jane was not feeling well it was decided to postpone chemo for a couple weeks so next chemo was may 28 till after we attended the wedding of Reuben Swinkels and Karissa Koning in Grand Rapids on May 25. That was an other opportunity for us to meet with most of our children and grand children. We consider ourselves most blessed and God is good all the time.
So maintenance chemo plus 2 days and Jane is feeling tired with some discomfort , which has been part of her experience for the 3-6 days following treatment. Thank you for standing with us and praying for complete healing for Jane. Your prayers are working as doctors gave Jane 7 months and we are at 15 months now. Praise the Lord!!