Saturday, July 7, 2012

Well here we are last scheduled chemo + 4 and Jane is doing well. As she continues to reduce her dependence on medication the only side effect she experiences is the occasional bout with nausea around breakfast time.
During one visit Dr Aboo he told her "Go talk to your goats". So the last couple of days she has been feeding the new born kids in the afternoon wearing a surgical mask. It is important that she keeps on listening to her body and not over do any of her physical activities. She certainly is one amazing woman and her spirit is very positive especially now that she is slowly walking out of the drug induced"fog" in her mind. She is again engaged in most of what is going on around her for which we are most grateful. It being saterday night we are not sure yet if we will go to church tomorrow but we will see in the morning as to how we both feel. For Jane has to be mindful of her increased vulnerability to picking up a cold or flue the first ten days after chemo. All things considered we know ourselves to be most blessed by our heavenly Father and are deeply indebted to so many who prayed for Jane and continue to do so as well as our church family who are there for us with food and any support we might need.   Thank you  Thank you all so much.   Marinus and Jane. 

1 comment:

  1. God is so good. I feel so blessed to have you both in my life. Good to hear things are going well. Morning nausea? Hmmm... It is reminiscent of earlier days ;-) Hope to come and see you sometime soon.
    All my love
