Sunday, April 28, 2013

April showers - tears, bring May flowers - hope

Hello everyone!
      It's been awhile since the last blog so here we are typing along and guess what? Was going along and it deleted so I had to start over again. Shoot!! Well on April 15th I had a bone scan which is where you are injected with a nuclear ingredient and this was at 9:15. then at 10:15 I had to come back to be scanned which took about 15 minutes to 1/2 hour to do. Did not receive the results at that time as they said it probably was to be in a couple of days. Since I had to come to the doctor on the following Monday they said it would be then and we were not worried as we knew we were in God's hand because of your prayers Thank you! Praise God too!!! Being in the US was good the only thing was the travel near the end was a bit uncomfortable. Marinus said if I felt up to it maybe we could go to Indiana to visit the Noordermeer's but he was the one who went and spent time there even helping Marcel with a service call. The school in Indiana also had an auction . Marinus said it was amazing as to the amount of people and money they raised. The drive back home on Sunday was also a bit uncomfortable with a few tears and pills in order for me to get back home. Was glad to be home and in my bed and wait to see what Monday would bring. Went to the doctor on Monday and he said that I had what they called white spots on the bones which were the same as before and he was not worried. Dr Aboo said he'd rather take the results from the xray and CT scan to get a better idea and if I was not having any more pain in my left leg then he was not worried and would not do them. My blood work was also good so he said we were ready to do the maintenance chemo on Tuesday. So on schedule. the chemo went well, only a day earlier then normal so that means there could be some side effects also a day earlier which there was. This meant nausea, but take the pills and we could handle that and pain in the shoulders and neck but here too take pills and I could manage even though it was a "pain" on Friday and Saturday. Decided to go to church this morning as I needed the strength and support from the family of God. So now am writing this blog and hopefully will be able to not delete it before it's done. Ha! Ha!
Jane and oh yeah Marinus too!!!

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