Monday, December 2, 2013

Well here we are and the months have gone by. Busy with work, doctors, chemo and bone enhancers and now we are in December. Thanking the Lord for every day that He has given us and that we are able to share with each other and our family and friends. Had tests back a ways and at that time they said that the cancer had shrunk a bit, for which we are truly thankful. Dr. Aboo said that late in the year we would do some more testing, but in the meantime we would just keep on with the same treatments as before. Having some pain in my back on the left side at the 8th rib it was suggested that maybe I should have radiation and try and see if that would get rid of the pain, This we did and it seemed to help for a little while but came back. Dr. Palma said that if it would not go away then we could try again and hopefully that would take care of it. Sure enough it was needed and this all took place in London. Dr. Palma realized that we lived close to Owen Sound so both times they did it all in one day which was a blessing to us. It seems to have taken most of that pain away.
Jane just gave me the laptop to finish the blog. Well, in the month of November Jane turned 60. So when Monic & Christine asked me if I felt we should do something special, I told them I was all in if we would make it a surprise event for her. I think it was in the beginning of October, so we had about 5 weeks to pull it off. Christine took care of getting the word out, as Monic lined up a place and a caterer. Response was fast and furious, even from as far away as Grand Rapids & The Netherlands.
It also worked out well that I could invite friends from around Dornoch & Owen Sound on the day of her birthday for an afternoon tea time. It all worked well and when we left for London last Friday to get together with our children for early Christmas gift giving ( or call it Sinterklaas) the next day, Jane had absolutely no idea what was about to happen the next day. It was a total surprise for her. What a blessing to see so many of you there.
A special thank you to Melissa Swinkels (and Tim) for the awesome cake and cupcakes and Heidi Heene for taking pictures. (Having pics taken with the grandchildren was a big part of our "scheme".)
Thank you Kevin & Christine, Justin & Monic, Marcel & Shelly and Benjamin & Kelly for making it happen. We are so blessed with  family and friends. Also thank you to all of you who hold us up in prayer. Without a doubt it is what sustains us day by day.
P.S. Will try to post some pictures later.           With love to all of you,  Jane & Marinus.

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