Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8 2013
Yesterday was a whole year since Jane had the biopsy operation in Owen Sound. A day that is certainly etched in our memory. Monic and Christine were both with me in the waiting area when Dr Nicola came out to see me just 45 minutes after the operation had started. Christine had just walked away for a minute. It was then that he shared with Monic and myself his opinion of what he had observed. I remember him asking if we had any questions. I certainly was not prepared for that news and there were no questions coming to mind at all. With in minutes Christine was back and Mo and I shared the news with her. And then we waited as Jane was still in the recovery area. It felt like I just got hit by a freight train. I remember trying to make some sense of it all and it was at that time while trying to process in my mind the information the surgant had shared with us these word "dropped" in my conciusness: For you, everything changed today, but for Me nothing has changed, for I do not change, I do not say now "well what am I going to do with Jane now". Wow we are not in this alone. What comfort to be reassured of the truth that God never leaves us or forsakes us. It was some time later that the three of us could go and see Jane. Christine wrote in the very first blog how we shared the news with her.
The blogs have been an attempt to keep so many of you in the info loop. And what a support you have shown us all along.
It continues to"blow us away". You have shown us your love for us in so many ways. You may have heard about paying it forward from shows like Oprah but that is not their idea. But it is a biblical principle for the words of Jesus are "Lay yourselves up treasures in heaven, where rust or moth cannot touch it". Well you may not realize it always but we are convinced that that is what your are all doing. You are paying it forward.
Since our last posting Jane has been dealing with pain and anxiety at times, mostly later in the day. it is not easy for her to find a  balance between rest and physical activity. The day after her last chemo, her sister Henrietta took Jane on a 5 day trip to Phoenix Ar to see thier parents ,who spend the month of february there as they have done the last few years.
Dr Aboo was okay with it and we had a plan in case something unexpected was to happen, She did well during the trip but on arrival back home a time of recovery was needed. Next tuesday Jane is to have her blood checked and then a meeting with Dr aboo with likely an other round of maintenance chemo the next day.
Blessing to you all and again thank you for all your prayers and support in so many ways.
Marinus & Jane

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